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정보 바로가기 : 3billion to launch rare disease screening service early next year

3billion to launch rare disease screening service early next year
Yesterday healthcare accelerator Digital Healthcare Partners announced that it would be providing seed funding for 3billion, a Korean startup specializing in rare disease screening through human genome sequencing. 3billion is a spin-off of Macrogen, an international leader in DNA sequencing, and is developing a rare disease screening service that will check for roughly 4000 rare diseases with one simple test. Using next generation sequencing and bioinformatics technology, the clinical screening will be able to check for rare genetic conditions that take years to diagnose in current clinical settings. The company aims to provide undiagnosed patients with the hope of definitive diagnosis and possible treatments. “By screening for thousands of rare genetic diseases at once, we offer great value to undiagnosed patients who cannot receive a definite diagnosis,” says CEO Changwon Keum. “Long term, our goal is to create a genome platform and service to help researchers d...

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