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정보 바로가기 : P2P payment app “Toss” wins top 2016 Google Play App Award

P2P payment app “Toss” wins top 2016 Google Play App Award
Toss, a mobile money transfer app developed by fintech startup Viva Republica, has won the top prize at this year’s Google Play Korea App Awards. It’s the first time that only one app has been selected for the top prize at the annual awards. Toss gained first place among 40 other nominees, and was also nominated for “Innovative App of 2016”. Jiyoung Ahn, VP of Communications at Viva Republica, receives the prize for best app at the Google Play Korea App Awards 2016 The P2P money service, which launched in February 2015, allows users to send and receive money to each other without having to log into bank apps or websites. With Toss, all users need to do is fill in the recipient’s bank account, transfer the amount and enter their password. This is extremely useful in Korea which is renowned for making anything to do with online payments a headache due too outdated security measures. While some companies have improved their systems over recent years, installing a bunch of A...

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