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정보 바로가기 : Richard Gingras, General Director of Google News, said “We will lose 60% of readers if the proportion of advertisement exceeds 30%”

Richard Gingras, General Director of Google News, said “We will lose 60% of readers if the proportion of advertisement exceeds 30%”
Google Korea held a public forum titled as ‘Open-News Ecosystem’ at Google Campus Seoul on the 14th. This forum included a lecture by Google News Director, Richard Gingras. He has experience in broadcasting field while working at US broadcaster PBS and launched the Apple News service. Based on more than 30 years’ experience, the General Director of Google News, Richard Gingras said “We cannot know everything at this rapidly changing point”, and added “I hope we all have time to think about what topic would be a concern today”. The full-scale story about the news ecosystem started with advertisement. Gingras stated that current advertisement issues needed to be resolved for advancement of news in the mobile ecosystem. He emphasized that pages including massive advertisement are now shunned by readers, thus losing credibility. Advertisement, however, is not the single cause of every issue. He highlighted in particular that 35% and 70% of European readers...

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