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페이지투미는 사회혁신 분야의 새로운 정보를 모아 일주일에 3번, 메일로 발송해드립니다.

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정보 바로가기 : [Age of Startup] “We are the middleman for 1 million global corporations” -Cronee ‘Condiver’

[Age of Startup] “We are the middleman for 1 million global corporations” -Cronee ‘Condiver’
Park Jae Beom, CEO of Condiver, is a long-time stakeholder in the mobile industry, who studied computer science and has been collaborating with domestic and overseas mobile-service companies and mobile phone manufacturers for 17 years. Even though he participated in mobile mapping, My People service projects, etc., at Daum Communication, he left the company for new challenges with no regret. He has experienced a total of 3 startups including this Condiver startup. What kind of service does Condiver provide? “A number of startups are experiencing difficulties, as there is no definitive alternative to business development such as corporate growth and global entry via business networking, but various supportive environments have been recently organized for founders” Condiver is the business networking platform corporation that provides the ‘Cronee’ service, as a so-called online middleman. Middleman refers to broker, consultant, accelerator, etc. ‘Cronee’ in par...

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