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정보 바로가기 : [Root Impact Meets Changemakers #02] Eerye Kim: Marketing Manager from OHFA Tech

[Root Impact Meets Changemakers #02] Eerye Kim: Marketing Manager from OHFA Tech
[카테고리 설정이 아직되어 있지 않습니다.]
#02 Eerye Kim: Marketing Manager from OHFA Tech1.What are your main roles/responsibilities at the company? At OHFA Tech, I work in sales and marketing. In sales, I deal with product inquiries and purchasing choices. I also help customers learn the educational values of our product, Taptilo, the smart braille learning device, and offer offline workshops for in person product experience. On the marketing end, I manage the online communication channels (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and share video clips highlighting the learning experience on YouTube to increase our brand awareness. 2.What were.......

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