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정보 바로가기 : Future Food Asia Awards calls on agritech and foodtech startups

Future Food Asia Awards calls on agritech and foodtech startups
Agritech and Foodtech startups are invited to take part in the “Future Food Asia Awards” (FFAA) in January 2017. The competition, led by Singaporean investment and consulting firm ID Capital, is offering a grand prize of USD $100,000. Supported by the Economic Development Board of Singapore, it’s the first award of its kind dedicated to Agritech and Foodtech startups in the Asia-Pacific region. The award is open to pre-Series A startups throughout Asia with at least USD $500,000 seed money and who plan to raise between USD $2 million or more in the next 18 months. Applying startups will need to have produced an innovative and sustainable technology that impacts the food ecosystem positively. There are four categories: streamlining supply chain process enhancing nutritional value maximizing yield precision agriculture The Asia-Pacific region is home to nearly 60 percent of the world’s population, and is still powering most of this growth. As a diverse region, it faces challenges s...

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