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정보 바로가기 : [세이브더칠드런] 국제사업부문 Account Manager 모집(~2/12)

[세이브더칠드런] 국제사업부문 Account Manager 모집(~2/12)
1.채용개요채용부서세이브더칠드런 국제사업부문채용직무Account Manager담당업무∙ Establish diverse and inclusive partnerships by ₋ Contributing to overarching institutional partnership strategy of SCK ₋ Managing relationship information and financing to keep our leadership up-to-date with our partnerships ₋ Supporting the organization in understanding partner dynamics and evolving trends ₋ Representing SCK with the appropriate partner contacts and providing strong support to colleagues in their external engagement (country, regional and HQ levels) ₋ Exploring new avenues of collaboration and new funding modalities to maximise income and return on investment   ∙ Enhance project quality and consistency across accounts and Save the Children International (SCI) by ₋ Assisting IP unit teams in developing donor-specific capacity building plans ₋ Collaborating on risk identification and mitigation, setting monitoring mechanisms, and standardising quality and compliance approaches ₋ Facilitating knowledge sharing and best practices among account members and SCI 지원기간2024년 1월 15일(월)~2월 12일(월)     2. 자격요건Essential TechnicalSkills∙ Proficiency in partnership management to enhance overall positioning with partners ∙ Proven experience of providing creative and innovative approaches in developing new initiatives that contribute towards partnership objectives ∙ Experience in relationship management with donors, trusts and foundations, or similarly demanding partners ∙ Experience of undertaking industry trend and donor specific research, finding relevant, reliable, and up-to-date information ∙ Knowledge of and experience working directly with the development banks (particularly ADB) and other institutional donors (e.g. their structure and operations, priorities (geographic, sectorial, thematic, at policy & advocacy levels) ∙ Fluency in English PersonalSkills ∙ Self-driven: ability to take a pro-active approach and work on own initiative; problem-solving skills and creative thinking in fluid or less structured environments ∙ Excellent coordination and relationship building skills in forming and maintaining both internal and external relationships ∙ Strong analytical skills with ability to present complex information in a clear and succinct manner, ability to analyse trends and report on key financial metrics ∙ A proven team player∙ Excellent verbal and written communication skills, including senior level briefings and presentations, both for internal and external audiences with appropriate attention to detail ∙ Willingness and ability to travel abroad ∙ Commitment to Save the Children’s mission, values and approach    3. 근무조건모집인원1명고용형태프로젝트 계약직(1년)근무형태주 5일(9:00~18:00, 유연근무제), Hybrid Work(주 2~3회 재택 병행)근무지세이브더칠드런 본부(서울특별시 마포구 토정로 174)   4. 채용절차서류전형2024.1.15(월)~2.12(월)1차 면접2024.2.20(화)~2.22(목)2차 면접2024.2.26(월)~2.28(수)결과발표2024.2.29(목)입사(예정)시기3월 초 ~ 3월 중순 ※ 1차 면접시 필기전형이 함께 진행됩니다. ※ 상기 일정은 채용 상황에 따라 변동될 수 있으며, 변동 시 해당자에게 사전 안내할 예정입니다. ※ 전형별 결과 발표는 합격 여부와 관계없이 모든 지원자에게 개별 안내됩니다.   5. 제출서류서류전형이력서, 자기소개서, 경력기술서/포트폴리오(선택)1차 면접-2차 면접학위증명서, 경력증명서, 건강보험자격득실확인서, 자격증명서최종합격주민등록등본, 가족관계증명서, 소득증빙자료, 건강진단서 등  ※ 상기 서류는 해당자만 제출하시면 됩니다.   6. 기타사항채용 전형 기간 동안 메일과 유선 연락을 병행하므로 이메일 주소와 핸드폰 연락처를 정확히 입력해 주시기 바랍니다.입사지원서 기재 내용의 착오 또는 누락으로 인해 발생한 불이익은 모두 지원자 본인에게 책임이 있습니다.입사지원서 허위 기재, 허위 증빙자료 제출, 서류 미제출의 경우 합격이 취소될 수 있습니다.▶ 세이브더칠드런 입사 지원하기: https://savethechildren.recruiter.co.kr/

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