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정보 바로가기 : [Root Impact Meets Changemakers #03] Kyoungho Song & Jiseon Hong: Co-Founders of The Picker

[Root Impact Meets Changemakers #03] Kyoungho Song & Jiseon Hong: Co-Founders of The Picker
[카테고리 설정이 아직되어 있지 않습니다.]
#03 Kyoungho Song & Jiseon Hong: Co-Founders of The PickerQ. Can you briefly introduce The Picker?The Picker is a zero waste lifestyle shop that sells locally sourced ingredients, living items, and environmentally-friendly products to cultivate a healthy consumer culture that moves away from single use products and promotes action in using reusable items and producing zero waste. Q. What motivated you to start The Picker business? Why did you want to start a package free business? In 2013, we felt uncomfortable because everything was packaged in plastic, giving us no choice. So we though.......

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