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정보 바로가기 : How will the VR market develop?

How will the VR market develop?
VR (Virtual Reality) has existed for quite some time. Like air, it has always been with us. However, VR is recently being magnified as an important tool. In the past, it was difficult for individuals to purchase VR separately for use, because it could only be used at specific places equipped with high-priced devices. However, the personal VR market is receiving a lot of attention these days by the HMD developer Oculus, which burst onto the VR market after being acquired by Facebook for approx. KRW 2 trillion. With high distribution rates of smart phones, 360 Cameras, and expertise of 3D content production, the VR market value has increased even more. Starting with Oculus, personal VR is now expanding based on the HMD (Head Mounted Display). The HMD is the concept initially developed by Professor Ivan Sutherland at the electrical engineering department of Harvard in 1968. The first developed device was too heavy to be held alone, and had to be attached to the ceiling. Subsequently, i...

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