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정보 바로가기 : [Age of Startup] “Do Celeb 00”… Big data Celebtide knows me better than myself

[Age of Startup] “Do Celeb 00”… Big data Celebtide knows me better than myself
#1 It’s my anniversary, and I’m looking for an affordable wine to suit the mood to share with my husband. Taste or the country of origin doesn’t matter. By searching wine from a portal site, I found a lot of information, from public reviews to professionals with their own opinions. However, this collection of information was suboptimal, and I was hoping for something. I wish the service providing information customized to my taste and mood based on the information from positive public reviews. #2 There’s been recent gossip about Ziyu swaying the domestic and overseas entertainment committee and politics. Did Ziyu really influence the result of the Taiwanese presidential election? As a result of the analysis on data from a number of portal sites, blogs, and social media, it was found that Ziyu globally received attention but did not have a great effect on the actual result of the election. Big data has become an important factor in making decisions in our daily lives. Accurate...

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