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정보 바로가기 : Healthcare startup Databank Systems makes hospital visits easy

Healthcare startup Databank Systems makes hospital visits easy
Healthcare startup Databank Systems launched its smartphone service ‘M-Care’ at Hanyang University Guri Hospital today, making it easier for patients to deal with bookings and payments during hospital visits. M-Care was developed as a solution to the complicated and cumbersome process patients go through when visiting the doctor. After you’ve booked an appointment, the app automatically guides you through the rest of the consultation process on arrival at the hospital. Features include taking a number for the queue via your phone, paying for your consultation and checking the status of your appointment. Not limited to outpatients, the service also lets users see test results, call nurses and keep track of blood pressure, blood sugar and BMI levels. For patients unfamiliar with the hospital layout, there is a also an indoor navigation system which shows your location in real time and can direct you where you need to go. M-Care can guide patients where they need to g...

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