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정보 바로가기 : [Age of Startup] “Even your mind is understood”… 24 hours game consumer-responding chatbot “Mindbot”

[Age of Startup] “Even your mind is understood”… 24 hours game consumer-responding chatbot “Mindbot”
A chatbot that could correctly understand and respond to the emotion in words as written by the consumer has not been introduced to South Korea yet. CEO Kim, Seung Yeon of Mindset , which launched the first domestic game consumer-responding chatbot service “Mindbot” said, “Mindbot correctly responds to complaints of game consumers based on its understanding of not only slang and colloquial language, but also abbreviations, typographical errors, emotions, etc. via semantic (meaning) analysis”. Artificial intelligence (AI) has been internationally receiving attention as a new future technology. Among the relevant technologies, the chatbot in particular is one of the most facilitated sectors. Giant, multi-national corporations such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, etc. already jumped into the relevant business. In case of South Korea, chatbot services have gradually emerged in the market with major companies as the center. AI startup Mindset, whose technology was verified ov...

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