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최근 수집 정보

수집 사이트 수 : 100
수집된 정보 : 128,520
총 태그 수 : 46,805
매칭된 태그 수 : 1,388,367
사이트 수 : 17
수집 정보 수 : 437

태그별 정보보기 : situation

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[수집 정보] 카테고리 정보 수집량

세부 정보 닫기
Consultant for conducting an analysis of the human rights situation
Level : 0Job ID : 221035Job Network : Political, Peace and HumanitarianJob Family : Human Rights Aff...
dl  conducting  consultant  part  se  situation  office  an  Department  Rights  Coordinator  lt  de  Post  Humanitarian  Affairs  Human  job  analysis  
[UN]Gaza: Nowhere to go, as humanitarian situation reaches ‘lethal low’
저작권 보호 관계로 자세한 내용은 원문 링크를 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다....
lethal  nowhere  gaza  go  situation  an  Low  Reaches  Humanitarian  as  UN  
1    카테고리 미 설정  |  ODA Korea  |  2023-10-25
Consultant to draft a study on the situation of older persons care institutions in Tunisia
Level : 0Job ID : 191909Job Network : Economic, Social and DevelopmentJob Family : Population Affair...
ic  older  mission  are  study  consultant  part  situation  officer  office  persons  ID  Department  Tunisia  Institutions  lt  CARE  de  Post  Affairs  Resources  Human  Draft  Development  Management  Programme  Economic  Social  job  IR  
Consultant to complete a Situation Analysis of violence against women and girls in Somalia
Level : 0Job ID : 189739Job Network : Political, Peace and HumanitarianJob Family : Human Rights Aff...
Consultant to draft the Situation Analysis of International Migration in Somalia
Level : 0Job ID : 189119Job Network : Economic, Social and DevelopmentJob Family : Population Affair...
Situation Analysis Consultant
Level : 0Job ID : 181915Job Network : Economic, Social and DevelopmentJob Family : Population Affair...
mission  consultant  situation  office  ID  lt  Post  Affairs  Development  Economic  Social  job  analysis  IR  
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